About Vault and Safe
Many of the websites that sell sentry safes seem cold and impersonal. They display their goods but seem to offer little help or guidance. VaultAndSafe.com is a family-owned business. Our goal is to help guide you in choosing a safe that’s right for you. We love to talk about safes…
Throughout our years of experience with locksmithing, we have found some really terrific safes! We are excited to bring you top notch, high quality burglar and fire safes. These are the same safes that are sold under the name of Gardall, Adesco, American Security, Hayman, Fyer Fyter, and Cobalt Safes. But by cutting out the middle man, everything from office safes to gun safes are offered at wholesale prices direct to you!
We offer a safe for every need. If you are a business owner dealing with cash and employees check out our great selection of Drop and depository Safes.
For protection of paperwork and a small amount of valuables the Fire proof home safes are a great entry level Fireproof Safe
For cash, jewelry, gold and high dollar valuables check out the best selling Fire and burglary line of safes.
Are you a gun enthusiast? We carry many sizes of gun safes to choose from that offer different shelving and combination options for a customized look. Even if you are not a gun enthusiast a Gun Safe is great for securing a fur coat!
We have handpicked an exciting selection of specialty safes...these include data safes for protecting CD’s, tapes, and microficshe. We offer some really easy to install wall safes and several varieties of floor safes (in ground safes).
You can order 24 hours a day on our secure server website. It’s protected by X Ramp Technologies, part of SecureTrust Corporation which provides high quality Class 3 SSL Certificates for protection of your sensitive and credit card information.
If you have unanswered questions you can call our shop at 877-629-6214 and one of our safe specialists can help you choose the perfect safe. When you place your order with us, we have a 5 point checklist to ensure that every safe shipped from our warehouse is exactly what you ordered!
We hope you have fun shopping for a safe! Below, we are offering a few knowledgeable tips to help you when buying a safe. We hope these help, but if you need to talk to someone about your safe choices please feel free to call us at 877-629-6214. Thank you!
Security Disclaimer
Vaultandsafe.com, its employees and agents make no claim that following any or all of Vaultandsafes.com’s recommendations or product solutions guarantees in any way that your residence is burglary-proof. Implementation of our common-sense recommendations only improves your chances that an intruder will find your residence unsuitable for

East coast warehouse safes
awaiting 5 point inspection.

TIP #1: Gun safes
You can store other things in a gun safe besides firearms. Gun safes have fire protection and size. Gun safes also have shelving options and all of ours are pre-drilled to bolt to the floor for added theft protection even for a fur coat.
TIP #2: Wall safes
Wall safes are generally not for fire protection although we do sell one fireproof wallsafe, but it’s a big one. Wallsafes get their burglary protection from hiding in the wall only.
TIP #3: Floor safes
Floor safes are generally only water resistant. Be very careful if you get an electronic keypad on a floorsafe. Keep it away from pipes, water heaters, washing machines and anything else that could leak onto your keypad and into your safe.
TIP #4: Depository safes
Depository safes are great for money management for any business that deals with any amount of cash and employees. No depository safes in the industry are fireproof due to the drop slots for the cash deposits. Most of our drop safes except for the smallest undercounter safes are high security, B-rated depository safes.